Koreen Swanson

Virtual Assistant | Chaos Coordinator

I align with women in business, providing support with Task, Tech and Social Media Management.

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about me

I am a Virtual Assistant with nearly 20 years experience in the administrative field, a background in law and social services, and a passion for learning and growth.

Throughout my corporate career, I held various roles that utilized my uniquely adaptable skills and personality. In 2021, I left the corporate world to pursue a slower lifestyle on the East Coast with my family, and start my administrative consulting business.

I am a mom of two grown children, a grammy of two adorable littles and a wife to the most amazing husband. Living on the East Coast has been our dream for years and now we are living it.

While I mainly focus on my business as a Virtual Assistant, I love personal development, life long learning, and reading. I also am a Reiki Practitioner, a Quantum Hypnosis Practitioner, a Life Coach and a writer. I enjoy bringing these elements to the table when supporting my clients.

Pier at Lunenburg
Paper Ripped Frame

I Understand...

  • the struggle of being pulled in a million different directions;
  • having your energy sapped by tasks that are important but not necessarily your passion;
  • that you need time to focus on what truly matters.

This is what I do...

Step 1:

Step 2:

Step 3:

Calling on old railing
Business Strategy Planning Session
Enjoy your life, happiness concept, positive thinking.

Book a FREE strategy call;

That’s the first step towards

your freedom.

Through an in-depth discussion, we’ll figure out how Admin on the Side can best assist you in your business.

With your tasks, tech and social media efficiently handled, you finally have time to focus on what you truly love.

i manage...



Social Media

Quality control garantee, verification of  standard of company product.
Automation and optimisation concept, business process.
Social media for business, concept.

Make the most of your day by delegating your administratrive tasks to Admin on the Side.

My expertise with software and applications can help you set up processes and efficiencies in your business.

Your content scheduling, platforms and analytics will be handled with the utmost efficiency, allowing you to use the data to plan content and strategize in your business.

Imagine your business flourishing while you focus solely on growth. Let me take care of the rest.

Book a Free Strategy Call Today!

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